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I Love Music

Music is so therapeutic for me. From the melodies to the beat, it just makes me melt when done right. All I can think is, how? How can these people make something so beautiful?

I've recently learned that most of the artist I listen to are demonic. I'm sure you've heard of the Illuminati. I definitely believe that it exist. I'm a Christian. I think most people know that Lucifer was the angel of music, one of gods finest angels. He was beautiful and brung joy to the other angels by playing beautiful music.

The music industry is one of the most supported and influential things out there. Look at the self destructive messages promoted in a lot of music. Encouraging you to indulge in a lifestyle that will most likely lead to your own demise.

I've also realized that music is just a big distraction. It's so hypnotizing and beautiful that when most people are going through stressful times, we turn to music before god. Turn to god for comfort, not music.
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littlebit · 26-30, F
@Serenitree Nooo, it's not you. It's me. Thank you for simplifying what you were trying to say for me. Basically, it's a trap. It most certainly is beautiful and pleasurable but not everything pleasurable is ultimately good for you if that makes sense. Ultimately, you should turn to god. The music is just a test.
diablo · 51-55, M
@littlebit I am totally missing the person who wrote this post so long ago... :/
Serenitree · F
Sorry, I am trying to understand what you said. I am confused. It really isn't important. Just confused as to how music can be so beneficial but then to say it isn't because it draws us away from God.

Not important at all. Sometimes I am really dense.
littlebit · 26-30, F
@Serenitree I'm sorry, can you make your question more clear for me? At least tell me what point you're trying to make, lol.
Serenitree · F
Whoa, you changed your "tune" from the first sentence where you said music is so therapeutic for you, and then at the end, you say that it is a distraction taking us away from god.
littlebit · 26-30, F
@Serenitree Yeah, it just happened but it's the truth.
Serenitree · F
@littlebit. How do you reconcile the two totally differing statements in your own mind?
IamDave · 61-69, M
Blues music makes it happen for me

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