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Indian music

A car drove past the other day with music blaring. The guy obviously had sub woofers as the panels on his car were shaking. The funny thing was he was blasting that horrible Indian music.. you know, the stuff where the singer has maximum reverb, sustain and echo, and the voice is so modified it doesn't even sound human.
Are there any Indian singers that are worth listening to? Can someone suggest something that is decent where the singer has a good voice?
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atsuhiru · 31-35, M
Indian music is vast, varied, and ancient with different rules, languages and traditions. Commercial songs and classical styles are also quite different. It's difficult to know what you will like.

Here are some which I like.




Nunki · 31-35, F
I like this song. I'm not Indian so don't ask about the translation lol
Nunki · 31-35, F
Also this one is old af but damn cute 🥹
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
@Nunki But that reverb kills me, and the echo. Can't you hear it? Its so fake.. lol. Listen to this song, these are their actual voices although I do not know if the voice was tuned after the fact. [media=]

Or this amazing singer [media=]
Nunki · 31-35, F
The reverb is added for a nostalgic effect I think. If anything, it adds uniqueness to their style. Not everyone’s cup of tea, sure. The key is to be open-minded and respectful of different cultures

Many of their singers actually have such beautiful voices without autotune or similar crap


YoMomma ·
I don't mind their music
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