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TheOnlyTribalChiefRomanReigns · 56-60, M
I like listening to music it helps me to get through my sad thoughts and delusional behavior I try to make myself feel better and I cry to Phill Collins music.
michgirl75 · 46-50, F
@TheOnlyTribalChiefRomanReigns it can definitely help. There are songs I cry to from various artists.
Sevendays · M
Keep on postin'!!!
TravisTx · M
Are you a Pink Floyd fan by chance? This one is has a favorite guitar solo ever! The light show accompanying the music is amazing.
michgirl75 · 46-50, F
@TravisTx I havent really listened to pink Floyd much these days I used to a bit more years ago. I do love a few songs of theirs . Guitar is awesome! I don't like all but there's certain guitar sound I just love and get into.