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You only want me when you want me And when you want me it's on your terms


I'm done feeling this damn broken
Like a trainwreck on the inside
May never get over you, baby
I'm done, I'm done wasting my time
I know nothing of any of this and I'm not trying to pry but the sentiment reminds me of a Sara Watkins song and I feel like I don't have enough occasion to post music/lyrics anymore.

You love me when it pleases you
You want me when it's easy to do
You hold me when you don't want anybody else to
You love me when it pleases you

I've been keeping it convenient
For you to keep close to me
I've been making it too easy
For you to hang on loosely

I've been holding on and dreaming on
But you only come round to me
When it pleases you
When it pleases you

I call you when I want to hear
My voice whisper in your voice-mail's ear
I think of you at the strangest times
You've got me in the back of your mind

PotsaLuck · M
baby I'm done, I'm done wasting my time
What, again??
justcallmenameless1 · 36-40, F
@PotsaLuck yeah, again
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
Me too listen to the signs.

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