AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
The Beatles wrote 2 minute jingles . Pink Floyd wrote songs .
Still very similar , even down to making movies based on albums.
Still very similar , even down to making movies based on albums.
ffony · M
Not sure. I'm still trying to figure out whether Tchaikovsky had more body hair than Hieronymus Bosch.
Lilymoon · F
I would say so yep. But the Beatles had many philosophical songs too

Umm, do do do .. versus hundreds of lyrics thought out, I'd say yes
Kiesel · 56-60, M
Only different imo
I wouldn’t say more
I wouldn’t say more

Good question
Sapio · 51-55, M
Beautyinbroken · 36-40, F
Pink floyd yes 🌻💛
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Pink Floyd is for adults.