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A little insight on how Jarfff likes and approaches music

Sometimes others will not pick a popular song of an artist, simply because it gets a lot of radio play and stuff like that, well i've not been in environments where a radio plays since 2004, so whatever the radio plays too often i am mostly oblivious to, sometimes as i'm getting something at a fast food place or at a restaurant i'll recognize a song, and tell the one i'm with who can't hear all that well what the song is, i do this during hockey games too, and it's one of the ways to make it more fun for me.

So when my favorite of so and so is something others hear too often, you know now why i like it so much, and truth be told when i love a song or a piece of music, no amount of hearing it would constitute hearing it too much, unless the access of which is determined by another and not my whim and fancy.
Crush likes B sides too. the stuff the stations wont play.
Jarffff · 46-50
@YourMomsSecretCrush I can imagine how that would be more special, for me for example i vastly prefer the longer versions of say Controversy, 1999, Alphabet Street and Partyman.

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