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A mismatch of song lyrics -80's edition

Put on your red shoes ..
and wang chung tonight
Everybody have fun tonight ..
under the moonlight the serious moonlight
And if you say run.. I'll put on my my boogie shoes and boogie with you
Dance with me I want to.. spin like a record right round,baby,like hall days
We can dance if we...walk like an Egyptian
We could be dancing...tiny dancer
New wave,dance craze it's still...boogie fever
dubkebab · 51-55, M Best Comment
Well played.
Not only can I hear this in my head...but I can also grab these same records off my shelves,play the selected parts,pause the cassette,do it again,do it again,and eventually play the thing on my authentic vintage boombox. If I wanted to...which I pretty much don't. Old fashioned mix tapes take so much time!

But if the Safety Dance or the Bangles come on- like in the supermarket or something,
I will immediately reflexively start awkward robot dancing as my friends try to pretend like they do not know me. Even the stuff I detested back then like Wang Chung gets me up and singing along and clapping like an idiot,I love it.

Kenworth4954 · 56-60, M
Ah the classics lol. Brings back memories though for sure
You have such an amazing taste in music

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