“Linus and Lucy” – The Vince Guaraldi Trio
On this day in 1965, the animated holiday classic, A Charlie Brown Christmas, made its TV debut on CBS.
Jazz pianist Vince Guaraldi composed and performed much of the music heard in the program. Included in the score was Guaraldi’s instrumental piece, “Linus and Lucy”, which became the signature melody for the Peanuts gang. Versions of it were used in some of the subsequent Peanuts animated specials.
In addition to his compositions for the Peanuts franchise, Vince Guaraldi is perhaps best remembered for his hit record, "Cast Your Fate to the Wind", which won a Grammy Award for Best Original Jazz Composition in 1963.
Vince Guaraldi (1928 – 1976)
On this day in 1965, the animated holiday classic, A Charlie Brown Christmas, made its TV debut on CBS.
Jazz pianist Vince Guaraldi composed and performed much of the music heard in the program. Included in the score was Guaraldi’s instrumental piece, “Linus and Lucy”, which became the signature melody for the Peanuts gang. Versions of it were used in some of the subsequent Peanuts animated specials.
In addition to his compositions for the Peanuts franchise, Vince Guaraldi is perhaps best remembered for his hit record, "Cast Your Fate to the Wind", which won a Grammy Award for Best Original Jazz Composition in 1963.
Vince Guaraldi (1928 – 1976)