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Better stage performer

Poll - Total Votes: 33
Freddie Mercury
Michael Jackson
I can't decide between them
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Im not sure since i don't watch performers. I prefer harder cooler music. And i don't know anything about freddy nurcury. Micheal Jackson despite all the allegations was legendary. His moves and his voice were unparraleled. So id say him. He looked the best when he was still allitle darker and wore those sunglasses. The thriller eras was when he looked the best And it was his prime an he was in higher spirits too. Ofcourse it when down hill when he got addicted to plastic surgury and stuff and going broke
Ingwe · F
FM for sure
Last night I dreamt an alien in a jaeger came to visit and when his feet touched terra not so firma he struck a FM pose

Freddie Mercury was the best front man ever.
MrGoodbar · 51-55, M
Michael could put on a show !
nuddie · 61-69, M
Freddy was the ultimate showman
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