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Louis Jordan, Saturday night fish fry
RoaringLion · 51-55, M
@SW-User Thanks man. Perfect song for Saturday night!
@RoaringLion Louis Jordan had a spell of popularity in UK back in the 80s. This was a favourite in a club we used to go to in London.
RoaringLion · 51-55, M
A beautiful memory. Thank you for sharing @SW-User
Howlin Wolf, Robert Johnson, Lightnin Hopkins, John Lee Hooker, Keb Mo, Taj Mahal, Albert Collins, sooooooooooo many more
10liters · 31-35, M
@lovelywarpedlemon who
@10liters blues
I think this one is old, but is a modern take that might challenge the original very well,
RoaringLion · 51-55, M
@SW-User Thanks for the song Windy!
10liters · 31-35, M
Who are those people again
RoaringLion · 51-55, M
@10liters Among others they are known as ground zero for the advent of rock'n'roll and huge artistsin their time.