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Music memory quiz 2006 to 2010

I am featuring a questions on a Popular Songs from each year from 1970 to 2022..

I will give you a few words in the lyrics and ask for the following lyrics in the song.. I will be telling you how many words are required in the answer:

I will ask bonus questions for some of the questions like Who was the singer and who was the band/ group that produced the song..

Good luck music lovers..

See if you can answer these without searching the internet. But if you need to search away..

Q 2006 Cause you had a bad day, You're taking one down:

Lyrics Next 10 words ?
Singer ?

Q 2007 When the sun shines, we'll shine together:

Lyrics Next 6 Words ?

Q 2008 You got me begging you for mercy

Lyrics Next 5 Words ?

Q 2009 I wanna roll with him, a hard pair we will be.

Lyrics Next 8 Words ?

Q 2010 You could travel the world

Lyrics Next 4 Words ?

Good luck one and all..
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Flowerz · 36-40, F Best Comment
2006 - sing a sad song just to turn it around
Daniel Powter

2007 - told you I'll be here forever

2008 - why won't you release me

2009 - (don't know)
Lady Gaga

2010 - but nothing comes close to the golden coast
Katy Perry
Adstar · 56-60, M

2006 - sing a sad song just to turn it around
Daniel Powter

2007 - told you I'll be here forever

2008 - why won't you release me

2009 - (don't know)
Lady Gaga

2010 - but nothing comes close to the golden coast
Katy Perry

Wow 😉 You go girl 👍 Every answer given correct ✅

Now can some bright spark get those Lady Gaga lyrics ?? We shall see.. Oh and of course i got to give you best answer..

Adstar · 56-60, M
Ok the lyrics for the 2009 song by Lady Gaga is:

little gamblin' is fun when you're with me

Soon the 2011 to 2015 quiz will be up,,

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