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biohak · 36-40, M
That is really weird...
@biohak why

ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Change rooms can be just as interesting 🤣
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@Marta oh yes ... Sometimes they can be 😏
@ozgirl512 OK I will check it out
DanteD · 51-55, M
@ozgirl512 Change rooms, yes....public toilet, oh heck no, never!!!! And besides, it stinks in there....what in the world is anyone thinking hanging in there??
You hear them septic tank working hard and ammonia reacting.
Secretgal · 22-25, F
I don't think I'd bend down to even get close enough to listen in 🤢🤢😂😂
@marta hates me 😭
akindheart · 61-69, F
i worked part time at a nursing home a long time ago. 2 sisters (one had a stroke) came running up to the desk. Said there were frogs in their toilets. sure enough, they were hanging on the rim.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Well occasionally you do get some weird a girl in the stall right next to you! Only knew because of the sound of her voice and pink tennis shoes!
Disposal · 36-40, M
Once, I was very scared that a shark was going to come up the pipe and chomp my butt. So, I always make sure that I am not near the sea and always listen out.
Pfuzylogic · M
The public toilets flush with so much water,
I don’t worry about a second tug on the handle!
@Pfuzylogic good boy that saves water
Pfuzylogic · M
@Marta I do listen to the flush of my own toilet though. I even cheer it on! 😂
Guys are pretty quiet in the bathroom..
Nothing much to hear..
@SW-User 🙄
ewww i am not into it
@Marta not into it means I am not interested in it which further means I would not like to learn it
@SW-User well that's strange 🤔
@Marta I am weird
Nah I don't hang out in there unnecessarily and I'm not there to listen 😂
that's disgusting even when you got tits n all
@SW-User buy why is it
No my life isn’t that boring 😂
@SW-User hey meanie lol
yeronlyman · 51-55, M
Should this be filed under fetish?
@yeronlyman no music is correct
Degbeme · 70-79, M
ah ... no. I go in do what I need to do and leave.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
And they call me crazy!
@HoraceGreenley I guess we like different things 🤔
Tennessee2 · 80-89, F
Tennessee things???
Tennessee2 · 80-89, F
So much ammonia in there
@Tatsumi what?
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@Marta I read it wrong. >_>;;
@Tatsumi 🤷‍♀️
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
no i feel uncomfortable on public toilets and therefore never really go, if i do i hurry
@MartinTheFirst you are missing out
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
probably because of people like you
TheLordOfHell · 41-45
I have so much fun in public toilets that I installed one in my house for the whole town to use
@TheLordOfHell ha ha love it

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