When I was a kid, I wanted to do two things: 1) Grow up to be a doctor, either a cardiologist or an oncologist. 2) Be a rock and roll drummer
That kid who spent so much time building “drum kits” out of grandma’s cookware and whaling on it with the handles of wooden spoons never made it to med school. I had the grades, but not the inclination to start adult life that deep in debt. That same kid also grew up to play about everything but drums.
That changed this spring when I finally bought an e-kit, which was absolutely an impulse buy. I also had an acoustic kit briefly, but even with silent stroke heads and perforated cymbals one particular neighbor bitched about the noise, so I sold it and bought a nicer e-kit. I’m not great, still learning, but I’m good enough to put together some stuff by ear. I’m currently working on Hear It by Bad Religion, because what Bobby Schayer played in the intro is really easy to hear and replicate. I play French grip most of the time, if anyone cares or wants to tell me I’m doing it wrong 😆