36-40, F
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mspendragon: Emotional availability is so attractive
@Jonjdw I mean you don't have to be an emotional...
9 mths ago
mspendragon: Let's all say good morning! [I Want To Start The...
@midnightrose https://voca.ro/1czRNFiuPWnI
4 yrs ago
mspendragon: Since someone accused me of being a catfish 😂
@quitwhendone Haha well I don't live with my...
4 yrs ago
mspendragon: Since someone accused me of being a catfish 😂
@quitwhendone If you happen to live in my county...
4 yrs ago
mspendragon: Since someone accused me of being a catfish 😂
@quitwhendone I'm a social worker for emergency...
4 yrs ago
mspendragon: Since someone accused me of being a catfish 😂
@Donotfolowme They're paper towels. Probably too...
4 yrs ago
mspendragon: Since someone accused me of being a catfish 😂
@HootyTheNightOwl How does one verify anyway?
4 yrs ago
mspendragon: Since someone accused me of being a catfish 😂
@lovelywarpedlemon Thank you! I've gone back and...
4 yrs ago
mspendragon: Since someone accused me of being a catfish 😂
@Scarlett I don't recall reading that, but that's...
4 yrs ago
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