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uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Agreed. Now go for Twin Peaks!
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@Ethanbrooks Yes! The "third" season, done in 2017 on Showtime, is essential as well.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@Frank52 Agreed. TP may have been the only TV show that was forward-thinking enough to move the medium forward. Arguably, we'd have to wait till the late 90s and HBO airing The Sopranos for the tide to really begin the shift to TV, where imo it has remained ever since.
Iwillwait · M
@uncalled4 This recommendation should come with a warning. 🤭

Kwek00 · 41-45, M
Also try "Pi" by Darren Aronofski.
Mulholland Dr. is amazing. The strangest, most mystifying movie I’ve ever seen.

I also loved 2001: A Space Odyssey.
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Ethanbrooks · 22-25, M
Can’t wait for it to come back! Mulholland Drive will always be my favorite from Lynch though.
luxmoon · 46-50, F
Mulholland Drive left me feeling so unsettled when I first saw it but I love it. I loved Blue Velvet too and Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me and of course Twin Peaks itself. If you haven't already, please watch David's weather reports and numbers of the day on Youtube, he's been doing them through out COVID and they're so wholesome. he uploads short movies as well.
Kubrick didn’t follow the book, which is my favorite King novel. I hate that he killed off character Dick Hallorann and still don’t know why he felt the need to do that.
@uncalled4 The book was eerie...when I saw it in the theater in 1980, and Jack Nicholson did the “Here’s Johnny !” bit, people laughed.
The friends I went with liked it—but none of them had read the book. 🙁
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard Did you see the miniseries with Tim Matheson I believe? Closer to the book. I don't remember the whole of it, but I remember it being pretty solid.
@uncalled4 I heard about I, but I don’t think I saw all of it.
A Clockwork Orange i think is Kubrick's most fascinating film.
@SW-User Omg yeah creepy as hell, state commissioned machine-constructed human psychopathy was sci fi in the sixties but no more...

Real psychopathy with a purpose in Kubrick's spot on dystopia.
thomassa · M
Wild at hearth is really weird too

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