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babylily · F
I like all them
babylily · F
@Zippity62 he’s got them all on dvds
Zippity62 · 51-55, M
@babylily Wow, he must be such a mega fan!
babylily · F
@Zippity62 he is

DarkHeaven · Best Comment
A new hope was a great one up to start but the Empire Strikes Back was the film that truly made the franchise. Gave it that epic story arc feel IMO.
Thanks BA ✌️
Zippity62 · 51-55, M
@DarkHeaven You are so sos so welc,ome.
Prequils look better but the og trilogy is better.
@Callmewhatyouwill Yup. The time jump was rough. He went from a cute little kid to yucky EMO twilight crap.
Zippity62 · 51-55, M
@DarkHeaven Yeah it was fun as kids, we had friends who had the Stormtropper armour!
Zippity62 · 51-55, M
@DarkHeaven Though when we played ROTJ, they got hurt with the rocks from the EWOKS!~
GlassDog · 46-50, M
I saw A New Hope and Jedi when I was a kid but didn't see Empire until a few years ago, amazingly. A New Hope is my favourite because it blew me away. If I'd have seen Empire as a kid, I'd like it as much as everyone else.
GlassDog · 46-50, M
@DarkHeaven Haha! I couldn't make up my mind on #1 and #2 and solely went for Head Like A Hole because of what the lyrics meant to me at the time. Also, this album is the reason I have tinnitus right now.

Before I answered I wrote them all down in a list and moved them up and down. Kinda I Want To, Sanctified and Down In It were 4, 5 and 6, followed not by Sin by Ringfinger. We don't differ very much, though, do we?
@GlassDog Great minds. 🦋
@GlassDog Hard one for me to choose too. Really great songs.
The 1977 one and after 100 of the series I can't remember what the film was called any more.
@SW-User a new hope
@Callmewhatyouwill I remember seeimg at the cimema as a boy and remember how I watched the entire film totally captivated and mouth often wide open.
GeorgeTBH · 31-35, M
original but i will admit i actually do love the prequels as well but empire all the way
I LIKE THE PREQUELS. To hell with the haters!

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