missy9914 is using SimilarWorlds.
Join SimilarWorlds today ยป
51-55, F
Spend so much time at work I barely have time for this type of thing
About Me
About Me
I already have another account on this site but I don't want to say what it is. This account is solely to be able to post content Imgur won't let me post publicly and then direct other Imgurians to it. I know it seems like a waste of time.

It started out more as a protest -- Imgur would warn or even suspend me for posting a picture of a fully-clothed black woman and remove the content, but leave up nude or nearly nude white women. I created a list of my blocked content then made it known on my profile this list was available. I got many requests for it, people wanted my content.

Imgur deleted my list, but not the individual posts that comprised it, and has blocked me from creating another. However requests keep coming in. Creating a second account here seems to be a workable end-run.

Christ, I get a day off and this is how I spend it.