YoMomma ·
Oh man
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YoMomma ·
@pdqsailor1 my hub lets our dog kiss him too.. she gets more kisses than anyone in the house as we love her little self.. i love Israeli and middle eastern food.. such good stuff.. i make the chopped salad and add it to everything i can 😅 that's our girl and my hub tho he kinda had his mouth open in that photo.. we were waiting for our other dog who ran off 😳
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@YoMomma I make a great Tahini dressing and middle eastern salad.. actually perfect for a Falafel..
YoMomma ·
@pdqsailor1 nice yeah it's my fav stuff 😊 i miss Israel i haven't been there in 20 years 🙁 but my dad goes every year
msros · F
How hospitable of them.
oldguy73 · 70-79, M