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The next phase in Gaza...

There are issues.. The most serious is that if Egypt was to AGREE to take in the Gaza Palestinians that the President of Egypt would be signing his own death warrant - he WOULD be assassinated.. We saw this previously in the assassination of Sadat by the Muslim Brotherhood on the peace agreement with Israel...

So how will it be played? The next phase will be a resumption of VICIOUS hostilities between Israel and Hamas in Gaza and it will be BRUTAL...... A very much directed and planned one by Israel (and America) where the hostilities will start in Northern Gaza very violently to drive the population ever further south... and Israel will open the border into Sinai by FORCE.. and run the entire population through checkpoints to filter out Hamas fighters, (the IDF knows who they are) hopefully remaining hostages and strip ALL weapons from the migrating population as they are FORCED into Egypt..

Egypt will take this "horrible" violation of their territorial integrity very seriously and a war situation will be "created" and stopped by a significant level of compensation by America to compensate Egypt appropriately for this egregious act on an emergency basis..... You see an act of war - having this population forced upon it and being compensated on an ongoing basis for it... is very different than agreeing to it.. and so the ongoing stability of the Egyptian President Cissi can be secured for public consumption which is important to Egypt, important to Israel and critical to America as well... and Gaza will be EMPTIED of the Palestinian Population and the border SEALED off... with Hamas being mostly weeded out, the weapons and ability to conduct violence eliminated.. Egyptian military and security service will police the displaced population as aid money builds them housing in the Sinai where ever Egypt can contain, control and tolerate them..

Then yes, Gaza will be levelled and re-developed.. there is a LOT at stake here - security for Israel, compensation for Israel, a massive profit in the redevelopment of Gaza... after all its MONEY that makes the world go round but what won't happen is that there is NO way that 2.1 million Palestinians will be living in Gaza going forward..
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YoMomma ·
Hmmm i heard there was only 1.8m these days... but I'm not sure what they are going to do.. really i feel sorry for Hamas because they are misguided.. they mean well for their people but they are counter productive and do more harm to themselves than good in trying to destroy Israel but they are trying to save face and act strong anyway ... they really need to quit and save themselves by not fighting but they are too stubborn and would rather fight to their own deaths than be smart 🙄 i still blame the UN for their continued support of hostility and escalation of wars.. and i wonder if they secretly instigate wars other places too.. it's beyond bs .. i don't trust them one iota
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@YoMomma Israel will get an accurate count on their way out and so will Egypt.. The question of what to do with Hamas will have to be resolved.. The UN has for the time being been sidelined with the ban on UNRWA by Israel..They may again become involved once the population has been transferred to Egypt if Egypt permits it. I have more than a suspicion that Egypt will NEVER allow it and will govern the Palestinians harshly as they are Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers which has been banned in Egypt. Politically the Palestinians will be fully emasculated and Hamas will be banned and end with imprisonment for violators..
YoMomma ·
@pdqsailor1 ok, we'll see 🙂
msros · F
No Arab country wants to take in the Palestinians as they start trouble as past instances have shown.
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@msros Absolutely true... but its going to happen and its going to be something Egypt will be very well compensated for.. fact is ... they need the money and this is an opportunity to get it...
msros · F
@pdqsailor1 There is also the West Bank to deal with after Gaza.
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@msros yes.. the resident Arabs in Judea and Samaria will be moving to Jordan but one step at a time.. BTW that is why the IDF is fully all over Judea and Samaria now..
Js2000 · 36-40, M
The problem is Israel and America ve written new doctrine to eliminate who so ever demand for freedom ,equality and justice ...all internal laws are being trampled ...times ahead china ,Russia ,India ,turkey ....all countries will apply same strategy to grab the land and kill it's population ...the world we are going to ve is full of bloodshed ,plundering rape ,arson .....if we turn the pages of recent history it is evident that one and only country called United States of America has killed millions ,and spread terrorism .

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