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Irony? I think so.

My wife has a few Jewish friends who are considering voting Trump. These are women who were adamantly against Trump 8 years ago, mainly on the abortion and Trump’s attitude toward women. They clearly see Trump as bad (or even evil), yet are still considering voting for him. Why? Because they fear the world as antisemitic, feel Trump will be tougher against antisemitism, tougher against terrorism, and give Israel more support. But the big issue is Trump does not push for a two-state solution.

And these are people who 9 months ago were wondering how Gazans voted in Hamas.

Irony? I see it.

If you don’t, well Gazans were raised in an environment where Israel controlled their lives. Most of them know Hamas are corrupt terrorists, yet voted for them anyway because they felt Hamas was the best choice for standing up to Israeli aggression. And Hamas was against a two-state solution.
A lot of Progressives don't want to talk about this, but there is a lot of racism in Jewish communities. Jewish culture is based on Judaism, which is based on Jewish Supremacy. Not to say most Jews are super racist, but most of them do have a blind spot when it comes to Jewish Supremacy. They'll oppose racism as a concept, but when it comes to Israel being an apartheid society, they just don't recognize that as racism.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@trollslayer What Jewish interests is Donald Trump against? You mention abortion in your post. Is this a Jewish interest?
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@emiliya well, the fact that he made anti semitic comments at a conference on antisemitism, to start.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@Bumbles we said the same about Bush in 2003.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@Bumbles yes. Especially considering the status quo is unlikely to be much different under Trump. 90% of this is Harris/Biden’s support for a two-state solution. It’s like they don’t know the official US position has been a two-state solution for decades, and nothing has changed. I am not sure what other solution they want.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@trollslayer Trump was antisemitic at a conference against antisemitism! Blaming the Jews?! Good Lord.
emiliya · 22-25, F
Israel is engaging in war on two fronts. Most Jews care about Israel. Many Jews care about Israel more than the country they were born in. The conflict with Hezbollah is getting worse. Donald Trump is a stronger leader than Harris. There is a perception among Jews that Trump will support them and give them more help in Middle East. Abortion is not relevant when you may be at war, and Jews everywhere consider themselves to be at war.

With regard to a two-state solution, why would anyone be talking about this now? It isn't about what is right or what can bring peace. They want war. A two-state solution is a fantasy.

And Netanyahu is playing into Hamas' hand on purpose to try to keep an external enemy in order to avoid internal division.

A bit like Putin & Ukraine.
emiliya · 22-25, F
To understand war, you have to understand what it is to be human.
It's ironic they would vote for someone who would blame them if he loses

What exactly is their definition of antisemitism? The above looks like antisemitism to me

On the other hand, saying that anti-Zionism is antisemitism is utter BS ... are these people fapping to Zionism?
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@BlueGreenGrey well, there were German Jews who first supported Nazis because the Nazis were anti-communist.
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