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James Bond inventions!

Those of us who grew up with James Bond will remember all of the gadgets invented by Q for Bond to kill opponents. Seems Mossad saw them too! Extraordinary what happened in Lebanon yesterday and again today.
Northwest · M

Quite a few innocent people got killed. It's amazing this operation did not result in more deaths.

A truck driver, going over a mountain pass (quite a few of those in Lebanon), is not a Hezballah operative, but for some odd reason, ended up with one of the Walkie-Talkies. Boom, veers off and causes a disaster.

One of these things fails to explode and does so in an operating room.

This was a reckless and arrogant act, and does not change anything. But allows Netanyahu to brag.
Petermatureuk2022 · 56-60, M
@Northwest Still herr? Thought you'd be off feeding your small brain with some more accurate information. How was it over there in Lebanon? How did the head count go? Have you always beena gullible bleeding heart?
Northwest · M
Still herr? Thought you'd be off feeding your small brain with some more accurate information. How was it over there in Lebanon? How did the head count go? Have you always beena gullible bleeding heart?

Don't get it. You should switch to English. Wallow in your ignorance and bye. PS: Have you figured out what an acceptable figure is? Pretending you know me, is another strawman, along with the bleeding heart quip. So, what's an acceptable casulaty figure? Goodbye.
Petermatureuk2022 · 56-60, M
@Northwest Perfect example of limited intellect. You choose to ignore my question and ask a different one instead. Go back to your echo chamber.
Petermatureuk2022 · 56-60, M
@basilfawlty89 That's right..Hamas and Hezbollah have proved rather good at that too. Funny how some in the West forget the barbarism of the likes of Assad who has killed thousands of his own people but are quick to condemn Israel's every move....
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SpudMuffin · 61-69, M
It makes you wonder what else they've got planned.
Petermatureuk2022 · 56-60, M
@SpudMuffin indeed!
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
Yes, there is a term for randomly detonating explosives near civilians...whats that word? Oh right, terrorism.
Dumbman · 36-40
@basilfawlty89 shouldnt terrorists taste their own medicine?
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