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Filho · 36-40, M
good question

Romans , Jerusalem and Temple destruction in 70AD followed by exile of most Jews still living in Israel.
After the Bar Kochba revolt in 132 AD most of the Jewish population left in Israel were either exiled or killed , leaving very few.
Though since then thete was ALWAYS presence if Jews in the land.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@TheOrionbeltseeker Why do you ask that?
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@sree251 Looked like you were
@sree251 history wasn't written around the Jews.
Each culture/society/people have their own history.
Romans , ancient Greeks, Vikings, ancient Mongolia, Aztecs etc.

The post asked a specific question about Jews. I answered it.

Sounds to me from the questions you're asking like you have a problem with Jews.
Richard65 · M
A few empires over a number of centuries expelled the Jews on different occasions from Israel. These included the Achaemenid Empire (Persian) under Cyrus the Great, then the Macedonians under Alexander. Later, the Romans, following the Jewish–Roman wars of 66–136 CE. These events, based on religious/political divisions resulted in a long period of violence, enslavement, expulsion, displacement, forced conversion, and forced migration against the local Jewish population by the Roman Empire (and successor Byzantine State), beginning the Jewish diaspora.

I'm guessing someone will debate this, because so much is based on myth and unfounded Biblical references regarding Moses and the expulsion of the Israelites from Egypt, the Exodus to the Promised Land in the 13th Century BCE, etc...etc...
RedBaron · M
“The Jews” are not a homogeneous group who originated in one place.

There are Jews all over the world who were born in many places.

For example, I am American and the US is my homeland.

There are Jews in Canada and Canada is their homeland.

There are Jews in England and England is their homeland.

There are Jews in South Africa and South Africa is their homeland.

There are Jews in Iran and Iran is their homeland.

There are, of course, Jews in Israel and Israel is their homeland.

And so on.
msros · F
You are saying OK to your own comment.
RedBaron · M
@msros OK, but my OK was in response to BridgeOvertroubledWaters’ comment.

The @BridgeOvertroubledWaters tag, you see, was the hint you missed.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
If you are going there who was there first then we have to leave America, same for a lot of other places. In nature places go to the most advanced of the species, the ones best able to adapt and make something out of the place.
@Subsumedpat I'll help you pack
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@NativePortlander1970 Except that we dont go by who was there first and never have which is why there is no Pallestian land in Israel.
They never actually had a homeland in the first place. The real start of Judaism and Jewish identity happened after Christianity.
Hilarious @BohemianBoo 🤣

Before this, the Israelites had ethnic traditions and mythology, but it wasn't a coherent religion. The Rabbis formed Judaism and wrote the Talmud. The modern ethnic Jews grew out of this culture.
You're good @BohemianBoo , you should go into show biz
eMortal · M
Even when God promised Canaan to Abraham and Isaac we can assume the land wasn’t empty.
IamBack · 31-35, M
People who follow this logic..

Let’s give earth back to the Neanderthals because they were there before us once they brutally attack us eh? Because it’s their land by right eh?

It’s not about historic privileges, they abandoned their land, too bad for them! And Zionists don’t represent all of the Jewish people! It was the Zionists who took Palestine by force!
The Bible tells us it was for disobedience!
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Your history and bible are all mixed up @jshm2 . The Kingdoms of Israel and Judea were exiled by Babylon. After 79 years the exiled Jews came back to the country for another 430-500 years until the Romans invaded and exiled.
After the Byzantine empire fell the country became part if the Ottoman empire which fell after WW1 when the land was handed to a British mandate.
As far as the Christians being here, during the Crudades they were here a little, never for long , never having a hold on much land , always falling to the Ottomans.
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F
They were Chosen ✌️
cerealguy · 26-30, M
Invasions against them

But when we say "their" homeland, why do we forget the Canaanites that the Jews invaded and kicked out before? Is it the Canaanite homeland? Or the Roman homeland?
sree251 · 41-45, M
The only homeland is the planet Earth. People live all over the planet. The idea of homeland is formed by us.
Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
The Romans took from them, and then the Arabs took it from the Romans.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
Something happened during escrow.
Northwest · M
The recession of 70 CE.
acpguy · C
The Romans kicked them out in 72AD
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RedBaron · M
@msros How do you know what God does or doesn’t know?

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