FernandoXkuroo · 16-17, F
If now u dont feel numb, its a relief. Because of depression i become numb lol.
palmtree · 22-25, F
therapy was what helped me. if you are unable to go to therapy now, maybe try to journal about how you feel and try to track what it is in a moment that triggers that sadness. opening up to someone/journaling was what helped me as well, also (as cliche as it sounds) doing new things would make me feel something. just don’t give up in trying, it won’t immediately feel better because sometimes sadness becomes our comfort zone. you got this!
Greene07 · 16-17, F
I used to be like this. Try to constantly hang around good, positive people and friends. They changed my mindset and helped me get out of that stage ♥
Medicine saved my life