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B2nd2none · 41-45, M
No mental health is chemical and/or physical whereas spirituality is something you can control. You can choose to believe in a higher being but you cannot choose to have mental health. Often times people dont even know they have issues until its too late and there is also a stigma to admitting you have problems whereas no stigma exist in your beliefs. God bless!
B2nd2none · 41-45, M
@Graylight The word spirituality is very vague and can have many meanings. If you do not believe in higher beings or that we have souls, you can still be fine both mentally and physically without being spiritual. Although I believe there is a god and I try to spread his good word I would never push my beliefs on to someone who doesnt. God bless you and the author.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@B2nd2none Indeed, there are many meanings to the concept of spirituality. And spirituality is a core concept of healthy, whole body recovery from some mental illness. My worry is only a professional one, and that's that physical and psychological needs are met with only religion. That can be dangerous.

Welcome, as I haven't crossed paths with you. You'll find I test people sharply in this area to stem the tide of preaching masquerading as knowledge or fact. It's all with the the aim of trying to maintain the personal power of faith. No doubt we'll run into each other again; I look forward to it.
@B2nd2none thank you god bless you too.

Ghostinthemachine · M Best Comment
Depends on what you mean by spirituality.
Anything that makes you feel good and positive, both physically and mentally, is good. It may not be for everyone , but to each their own
Rilyn · F
I believe there is a big connection between how you envision things, physical health later affecting mental health. It's a vicious circle all around.
@Rilyn I think so too❤️
@Rilyn True. I can't say spirituality itself brings meanings upon how one envisions; though I give it thought. There is a truth one who can't take care of their mind and heart, who hurts inside themselves, it comes out in their flesh, body, and can't escape it. Becoming a trap, vicious circle... I think this is really what the narrative of the book 'Catch 22' is about.
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Busybee333 · 31-35, F
Spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing are intertwined.
I can't wait for science to evolve in healing everything. The only ray of hope for humanity seems to be a global evolution encompassing healing in all senses and in depths still unrecognizable :)
SnailTeeth · 36-40
It depends on how the spirituality is nurtured and utilised.

I think the idea of Hell triggers an amygdalic response so intense in some people, that it makes them highly suggestible by hijacking their fight/flight response, and it's being weaponised with fundamentalism.

I think the magical thinking can lead to deep repression, and cause cognitive distortions/dissonance, which can result in further social development problems. As well as cases of inflated egotistical self-aggrandisement, which can often be a precursor to extremely volatile depression.

Those are examples I often think of, as to why I am averse toward religion (not necessarily religious people).
revenant · F
Yes. Religious and spiritual people tend to be happier and more stable than those who are not.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@revenant True story, given the research.
revenant · F
@Graylight thank you
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
There’s everything with a connection to it , see that’s where people get mixed up between mental illnesses and spirituality. In both ways ‘ The mind is always under attack’
That’s why people lead to drugs and all other addictions cause ‘ The attack from the mind ‘
I don’t know how and why I didn’t commit suicide over it .
That’s a very valid question you asked 😊 . One tip you’ll never have peace of mind all of the time but going through your pains of life strengthens your faith in God or as in your terms spirituality.
Same thing . 😊
acpguy · C
Depends, if it is false spirituality like christian religions put out then "NO" as they are one of the primary causes to mental problems, if it is based on a deep belief in God as the creator and nature then it is probably a good connection.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
Spirituality do tend to keep humans at peace yet above all else is the doing of Monkey Mind.
Mirage · F
Hmm no, I would say there is between mental health and obsessive (political/conspiracy) fanaticism.
soulshadow · 36-40, M
Yes.. there be demons that feed on some people's minds like parasites.
I think its all about kindness and peace..
Yes. One of the main reasons people give for leaving religion is their mental health.

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