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Whodunnit · M
When I was a child I knew the phone numbers of all my classmates and my family and I still remember a fee of them even though I've not used them in over thirty years.
Smart phones, while useful, are ruining people and making us mentally lazy.
Smart phones, while useful, are ruining people and making us mentally lazy.
Just one without efforts.
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I can remember hundreds of phones numbers.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@SW-User How do you do that?
@TheOrionbeltseeker It's a side-effect of being somebody who cannot refrain from obsessing over pointless details. The phone numbers become like nursery rhymes in my head.
Whodunnit · M
@SW-User That's how I used to do it too. Each number was like it's own little song or rhyme 😁