Mathematics touches everything in life, even music, is a mathematical philosophy!In statistical physics and mathematics, percolation theory describes the behaviour of a network when nodes or links are added. This is a geometric type of phase transition, since at a critical fraction of addition the network of small, disconnected... See More »
Have you heard of the Brill–Noether theory?In algebraic geometry, Brill–Noether theory, introduced by Alexander von Brill and Max Noether (1874), is the study of special divisors, certain divisors on a curve C that determine more compatible functions than would be predicted. In classical... See More »
What causes repeating decimals?What causes some decimals to repeat, like 1/3=0.3333333333... and 2/3=0.6666666666... and in base 12 system 1/3 doesn't repeat but 1/5 in base 12 equals 0.249724972497...