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666Maggotz · F
Its not that serious now. Change your diet, figure out your skintype and create a regime that will fix the issues.
Lolco · 36-40, M
Plz don't.... cut out all sugary drinks & I mean all, & drink a gallon of water a day.... also cleanse & moisturizer your face, I highly recommend Pca creamy cleanser & PAC clear skin moisturizer .... continue being consistent & watch how your skin will be in 12-24 weeks : )
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Lolco · 36-40, M
@SickChick: so the sores isn't skin related? Just scar related?
SickChick · 31-35, F
@Lolco-: indeed. :(
Lolco · 36-40, M
@SickChick: I wish I can see your face, you don't have to show me but if you trust me you can... I bet you're still beautiful scars have nothing to do with beauty, If you're beautiful than you're beautiful : ) , & you have someone that loves you so always remember that
walabby · M
You'll look even worse, dead.. 😞
Th1nkF1rst · 70-79, M
True... Dead people really suck to look at.
They're hardly ever seen in public, TV, Movies (except Bernie), or Ads
They're hardly ever seen in public, TV, Movies (except Bernie), or Ads
SickChick · 31-35, F
You could start wearing make up and not take your life ... just saying
Fernie · F
@SickChick: you know what I think?? I think you are full of shit.
SickChick · 31-35, F
@Fernie: why would i make something up like that? I want to give up bc of this. Who are you to say or judge. YOU DONT KNOW MY LIFE.
Oi vey ! 😳
Fernie · F
before you give up altogether...tell me..what has been done to repair this problem?
Maybe see a dermatologist.
That can be fixed lol
Or hidden. Dont take your life over taht shit.
Or hidden. Dont take your life over taht shit.
SickChick · 31-35, F
They look like dents. Why weae makeup if it will make it worse
@SickChick: My dad had like a disease when he was like 16. It kinda ruined his whole face for a couple years. Yet he still lived a wonderful life. They arent even noticeable now lol
Technology can probably fix that later on if its that big of a problem. Just hold up lol
Technology can probably fix that later on if its that big of a problem. Just hold up lol
Th1nkF1rst · 70-79, M
That would be stupid as possible!
SickChick · 31-35, F
Its a mental thing
Th1nkF1rst · 70-79, M
A stupid mental decision.
Thinking that your face deserves death before being seen in public.
Trust me, there are some ugly as ass people wandering around without a care!
A stupid mental decision.
Thinking that your face deserves death before being seen in public.
Trust me, there are some ugly as ass people wandering around without a care!
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
What happened to your S.O.?
SickChick · 31-35, F
He is always there for me. Tomorrow he is taking me to my therapist and this session he wants to use a mirror. I just want to grab a knife and cut my face off. I just want to be beautiful again... *Cries*
Won't they go away?