Will wearing makeup hide the Alabamian inside me?
Poll - Total Votes: 11
No matter what you do you can't hide the Alabamian stardust magic within you it always come out
Nope not even whispering hides the Alabama in you the stardust still shines in your skin and eyes
You can't ever hide the Alabama magic within you your beauty and magic will always outshine it
Nope you can't hide the stardust in your veins your intelligence and beauty will always shine
You have Alabamian mountain ancestors that lived in East Alabama and East Tennessee
Use makeup from Tennessee
Go to Gatlinburg you'll feel welcome, there's Alabamian Tennessean hybrids there
Nope you'll still look like an angel and sound like one
Nope makeup will only make you look more Alabamian
Nope can't hide that in Gatlinburg, Gatlinburg is where Tennesseans and Alabamians coexist and live
Nope you can't hide the Alabamian mountain stardust within you, you're the child of nature and stars
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