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I Believe In Soulmates

I believe in soul mates. However, I don’t believe that marriage makes two people soul mates, if that were the case then there are an awful lot of divorced soul mates.

I love the passage in Deuteronomy that reads, “Or your friend who is as your own soul.” The message in that particular passage is not about friendship; nonetheless I love the correlation between friend and soul.

In Genesis, Man referred to the Woman as being bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh, I have always been under the assumption that Adam and Eve’s relationship represents marriage. But the connection between friend and one’s soul, as it reads in Deuteronomy, leans more toward being descriptive of a soul mate relationship.

I could be wrong, regardless, I think the passage is a beautiful thought, and it is quite fitting for what I want in my own life; I have no desire to ever be married again, but the thought of having a true friend who is as my own soul and I theirs, that is the soul mate relationship I’m believing for.

Biblical references taken from the Chumash
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goodguy007 · 41-45, M
That is beautiful indeed! I always believed it the same way. Didnt know it was written somewhere.

Thank you for sharing!
mhuman · 36-40, M
you are so touching.. i believe the same and looking for the same thing in life!
please connect me if you want to be friends!

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