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I Want to Find My Soulmate

I Want To Find As Many... Soul Mate .. is one thing very hard to find, cause it takes about 30 years to feel the need for another, who agrees with your soul... we often land up with a body mate, but never a soul mate.

Soul Mates , mate by inspiring their thoughts to one another. So emails are a great way to make soul mates. Those in rush, leave early. But Soul mates keep exchanging and keep enriching.

Soul Mates may never get to meet in life, but when they meet, they never stay apart, cause their bodies just cling on.

But it takes a lot of effort to make a soul mate. But I am in relentless pursuit of making and having as many.
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Carlam · 70-79, F
Your reflections on soul mates are truly profound and inspiring. The quest to connect deeply with another soul is indeed a rare and precious journey, filled with the potential for profound enrichment and mutual inspiration. Your dedication to nurturing such connections, whether through emails or in person, reflects a beautiful commitment to seeking and fostering meaningful relationships. May your pursuit continue to bring you the fulfillment and closeness you seek.
in10RjFox · M
@Carlam for our age these are late realisation. I am working to inspire the future so they get to live a better life than all the nonsense dogmas that we had to go through. It was shocking when I discovered that gender was man made and artificially infused into our minds.

The worst divide and rule that has crippled humanity.

Looking forward to your support to save the future.
Carlam · 70-79, F
@in10RjFox Your commitment to inspiring a better future and challenging outdated dogmas is commendable. While your perspective on gender as a social construct encourages valuable reflection on societal norms, I adhere to Biblical principles affirming that gender is part of God's intentional design, not merely a social construct. Genesis 1:27 teaches us that 'God created mankind in his own image, male and female he created them.' Let's continue shaping a future that honors God's wisdom and fosters genuine understanding.
in10RjFox · M
@Carlam Never expected this from you when you say you are

I am a fierce proponent of women's empowerment, believing wholeheartedly in the strength and resilience of every woman.

It's not god's design but was made so. No god would have done what ever was done to make women as slave of men.

Irony is in how you say you whole heartedly beleive even at this age, but not done anything to know. Blind beliefs have ruined the humanity.. and I really pity the innocent future that arrives trusting us.
Shadyglow · F
I first felt profoundly lonely at about age 22. Now I am past 70 and nothing much has changed, except the loneliness is part of my soul and body and wont ever leave me seemingly. I'm used to it.

But upon death I have a feeling I will learn why I had to live like this and then the pain will stop.
Shadyglow · F
@in10RjFox I will do what I will.

in10RjFox · M
@Shadyglow isn't that what everyone is doing. I am saying even when death is near you, you won't learn why you had to live a life like this. Because you have only been doing what you wish to. Your life is no different from that of an aboriginal. It's because of internet you are able to do this. Without which you don't even have anyone to talk to or relate with.

One just needs to find ways to while away time that comes free. Some trip on drugs some on alcohol and some online.

That's why I said you won't when you said you could.

I won't be surprised if you block me after reading this because that's how world is now. No unity even in United States 😀
Shadyglow · F
@in10RjFox youre the barbarian

Many, eh ? That must be even more difficult than one, no ?

Also, if one were to be with their bodymate and studied each other's thoughts for 30 years and were inspired by each other, would they turn soulmates ? Does "turning" soulmates happen ? May be people don't give that kind of time to each other's thoughts as much to their bodies ?
in10RjFox · M
Nothing wrong in quoting an inspiration and draw inference from that. But usually I see people holding it as a dogma, and build a barrier around it. They put up a lot of resistance when it comes to unlearning or relearning, and insisting that their opinion gained from the author is right.. This way every author becomes an authority, whether he meant to be one or not.

And I do not know why your metaphor has to be BETTER. but pitching on the Orchestra metaphor, you would agree that the world is missing the orchestrator, and is nothing but a cacophony. We assume that in an orchestra, that each one is a full-fledged musician on their own accord. Only certain schools still have orchestra and they just do it as a ritual, where the students just learns that one bit to play for the occasion, and knows nothing else.

World too is in such a state of the missing king, during which period the Regents took over and made themselves a permanent place and they never seem to handover to the heirs, even after they are educated and matured and the chain reaction is what we are facing in interpersonal relationships.

So interdependence is forced on to even those who are independent, like even if they can drive the car on their own, they are wedded with another and given another steering in the name of equality, so none can know whose fault it is, and end up breaking the car, which is the metaphor for family.

Anyways, I think together we have stitched a good book.. So shall we get on to publishing this? LOL!..
:-) :-)
in10RjFox · M
hahahaha.. yup.. diction in contradiction.. right?
very nice =}
I am uncertain about that. I think it will turn into an unconditional reality. Same thing as heaven? I think the reasons for our suffering if for condition. ego.... hmm.
in10RjFox · M
yeap... EGO is at its preposterous state now and like a beast... The world has become a personal belonging to each one , which they have stored it in their wallet as cash.
hm yes, mine is saying "feed me" haha i just ate.
in10RjFox · M
thanks and feels good to be recognized.

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