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Blake Shelton- Goodbye Time

Been there so many times... gotten to the point I don't fight it anymore, after all love is about giving expecting nothing in return.

An Ex once asked me out of the blue, (knowing full well I've been in many a relationship), "I don't understand, how can you just walk away without any feelings".

I said, "when I give of myself I give all now while in the relationship".
In that way I know I tried with all my heart to make things work and can walk away with no regrets. And when I leave and should I see you again, you don't even exist to me as if you were a stranger.
And thats exactly what happened to her, as I refused to make eye contact as I passed her.

ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F Best Comment
I’m trying to do just that but in my case, it’s my ex who can’t seem to ‘let go’

We split amicably, perhaps too amicably (?)

We talk every day, for hours. He is still my best friend, and I still love him, but we just don’t work together
So while I am trying to invent a new life without him, it’s tough when we still have so much contact. 🤦‍♀️
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
Thank you for that!! 🙃

Primnproper · 56-60, F
Yep i get that completely. My 1st husband has constantly tried to get me back even when in his 2nd marriage but i never go backwards and only look forwards. By the time the relationship has broken down ive exhausted everything to make it work. So i just move on.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
@sunriselover For me its rhe healthiest choice to not live in the sure for you too..
@Primnproper no I enjoy the present, and the future has possibilities.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
@sunriselover Thats always a good thing..🙂
Adstar · 56-60, M
Yeah, some woman are weird like that.. It's almost like that want to keep you on a long leash crawling behind them while they search for the next ""better man"" I guess it's a power thing.. They like to think their former BF's are still emotionally subservient to them in some way.. Evil thinking really..

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