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(Repost) Unforgettable Nat King Cole and Daughter

Missed my friends
Thought about all of you and decided to pop in for awhile.
Many are loved, not to be forgotten in this lifetime...

Love and Prayers sent (((Muah)))

Nimbus · M
Hiya eyeno, long time no see.
People here have been asking about you :)
Take care.
eyeno · M
@Nimbus Helloooo Nimbus .... hope you and Abby are doing well.

God bless
AbbeyRhode · F
Such a gorgeous song, one of my favorites. ☺️
It's good to see you here, I hope all is well with you.
eyeno · M
@AbbeyRhode Missed you Abbey...(((Big Hugs))).

God bless
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
I’m glad you came back!!! We were missing you hun. Where have you been??
eyeno · M
@TurtlePink hehe...hi ms. Turtles !
Catching up with chores and life (argh!)

Miss you terribly ms. S....(((big hugs))).

Carazaa · F
There you are 🙂
Carazaa · F
@Carazaa ♥️🤗♥️
eyeno · M
Oster1 · M
Surely, the best ever! 😊
eyeno · M
@Oster1 So good to see and interact with you again Oster 👍🏻

Oster1 · M
@eyeno You know, that I loved this...🤗❤️
.Oster was asking where you had gone today.
eyeno · M
@OogieBoogie when you run into Oster, tell him I said hello .
Needed some time away ...
Miss all of you, (((Big hugs)))

@eyeno i will
He'll be glad to know ur back☺️
Oster1 · M
@OogieBoogie 😊❤️💐
Musicman · 61-69, M
What a beautiful song 💝💝💝
eyeno · M
@MusicmanAloha and thanks for commenting musicman 👍🏻

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