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I Am In Love With Life

I wrote something similar on E.P.
I was think about the world we live in, not to be mistaken for this great big 'ol beautiful planet we call home, but rather the ream of mankind. All of its systems, inventions, groups, subgroups, and separation of social classes.They remind me of how organisms exist. Some simple, some complex. Some evolve symbiotic relations with each other, well other thrive on their own.
It mad me realize that as a whole the organism known as mankind, goes against the laws of nature. I nature everything has a beginning, a life span and and ending. It comes into existence and performs it function, benefiting creation as a whole. It leaves its contribution to life and the cosmos and it retires, recycling its energies back into creation to reformed again. Almost everything give more than it takes and is beneficial to everything around it as a result of its existence.
Except with the real of mankind. The strong take from the weak and give nothing in return. The rich take from the poor and give nothing in return.the many take from the weak, the big, from the small, nor is there any fair exchange for compensation.
In some ways, this earth weems it would much better if we let society devolve a few decades or so. Bake to a time when a hand shake a a persons word was their bond. Back to a time when a a person could still be honored by the merit of their. promise alone, and where a handshake still sealed a deal.Go back to a time where person would risk life and limb rather then let a promise go unfulfilled;. I miss them days.
I miss the time when the goodness and light in our hearts and spirits were far more powerful than the darkness in the world. the time when the few would stand against the many, armed with much more then honor and. At one time the strength of good men was united to protect our society as a whole, Evil doers and usurpers would not dare raise their heads in society.But we have cut ourselves off from each other, worrying ourselves with nothing more than ourselves and that with pertains to us.
We need to band together and fight against the ever present wickedness plaguing our society.
Light is still stronger than darkness, love is still stronger than hate, and good is still stronger than evil.
We have only to forget about ourselves and band together and stand against these enemies of mankind so that we might again be great in our existence.

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