Happy Thanksgiving Everyone 🤎 [I Am In Love Long Distance]
Being in a long distance relationship is hard enough without huge added challenges. Holidays are especially hard too. I tested positive a few days ago for Covid-19 and I know how incredibly hard this has been on my boyfriend. To not be able to take care of me, yet he still manages to take care of me from 700 miles away. He makes sure I drink water and I try to eat, check my oxygen level and temperature, plus take all my vitamins. I know he constantly worries but stays strong because he knows I'm struggling. So this Thanksgiving I am so thankful for him, and that I am hopefully turning the corner with this virus. I hope everyone has a nice holiday.
@MyPathOfTotality I love you so much babe. I am so grateful for you. Thank you. ❤
This has been very difficult for me. I want to hold you and take care of you. I can't see you in front of me so it's tough😥 You mean everything to me. My beautiful future 🥰 You're going to be fine. I can't wait to see you this summer😍
I'm so very thankful that you are a part of my life. You're absolutely amazing, thoughtful and kind.
Speaking of... did you drink water and check your oxygen level when making this post? 🤨😁
I sympathize with missing your loved one from so far away.
And of course his view as well when my then boyfriend went into hospital I felt terribly helpless. But these times apart will bring you closer together & even have you appreciate all the small things couples can take for granted.
I’m sure your health will heal with time, rest & maybe medicine. Take good care of you 🌻