LadyGrace · 70-79
I wish you the best always. I know him. He's a great guy. Congratulations!
He's a very nice and decent guy...I wish you both success and happiness! 💞🤗👍
Being in an LDR is awesome when your lover is just as involved as you. This reminds me of the texts I've exchanged with my sweetheart.
Being in an LDR is awesome when your lover is just as involved as you. This reminds me of the texts I've exchanged with my sweetheart.
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greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
You can't play games online...? Are you serious?
Bellz · 41-45, F
@greenmountaingal 🤣🤣🤣

MyPathOfTotality · 46-50, M
Aww babe 🥰 you have such a wonderful heart. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you 🥰
LadyGrace · 70-79
@MyPathOfTotality So beautiful, you two, congratulations. May God bless you both and your marriage.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Best of luck with your online lover. Most love affairs don't work out in the long run online or not. A lot of your impressions are based on your own hopes and fantasies. Sorry, but that's true of all of us when we are in love. But I do wish you the best.
Bellz · 41-45, F
@greenmountaingal Thank you for wishing us the best. We are working on being honest and learning each other.
Awww, I know this feeling well. It's hard, but so worthwhile when they go to any length(s) to make you happy. And that voice is a savior 💕

Yessss! So true, and I am so happy for you two!
EmilyEdith · 56-60, F
Bellz · 41-45, F
@EmilyEdith Awe thanks 😊
SteakNchips · 51-55, M
Driver2 · M
496sbc · 36-40, M
dam he is one lucky guy