Want your wet kisses [I Wish That I Could Sleep In Your Arms Tonight]
Today I have going to pick up my three yr old lab pits body. It is breaking my heart. While I was out of town, someone was on our property with and well, my dog is protecive in nature. He wasnt a social aninmal already being a rescue and being mosh pitted by several dogs at once when he was real young by his first owners. He loved me and my son and a cat. Other than that, you needed to keep your distance. I hated it for us, especially my two yr old son. Thats his best friend. Animal control took him and deemed him unadoptable and aggressive in nature. No Rescue would take him, and where I lived would not let me have him back due to insurance. It breaks my heart,but we did the best would could for our loving Max. He will Always be a hero in my eyes. RIP Buddy .
@Eddiesolds The Lord has my back, their is a reasoning behind all of this. One day down the road I will look back and see the good outcome from this all.