Sometimes i think of him
It's been half a year since I last contacted "him." Supported him like a dumb cheerleader and splurge on things and patiently showing my support, but also neglected. I was frustrated. Ashamed that some friends warned me but I never paid attention to the red flags. I wanted to believe in him, but I was blind. He gave me every excuse in the book, until he ran out of pages. I caught him in a lie, everything I ever wanted to do with him, he did it with some other Chinese chick.
I told him that I will be walking away to keep my dignity. This was a special person who I thought was my "bestfriend." And it's tough, because everything I ever loved was shared with him. Thinking I mattered. I hate building up men, until they monkeybranch by finding another woman to replace me.
I told him that I will be walking away to keep my dignity. This was a special person who I thought was my "bestfriend." And it's tough, because everything I ever loved was shared with him. Thinking I mattered. I hate building up men, until they monkeybranch by finding another woman to replace me.