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I Am Feeling Heartbroken

Today after work I was going home there was a chicken that fell off a truck in the middle of the road. Everyone was driving past it. I told my mom we needed to go and get the chicken but she wouldn't stop. I wish I didn't see it because now I'll never be able to forgive myself for not being able to help it. It was probably going to die anyway. But at least it wouldn't have been on the hot pavement and I could have given it somewhere comfy to lay and some water at least.

It's honestly disgusting how farm animals are treated and we need to stop giving excuses for factory farms.

Why did no one stop? We're all robots.

We need to stop waiting for the next person to do it. And we need to just do it. It's not that hard.

This is one reason why I litterally hate myself for not being able to drive.

This is 100% the reason for all our problems we close our eyes and wait for the next person to fix it.

Nobody is going to do it. You have to do it.
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Awwww. I've helped turtles cross the road.
luv2fly352 · 70-79, M
When I say I know exactly how and what you're feeling,I mean every word of it and I will always carry those sad feelings with me.I have done and still do what I can for animals and the homeless,but my time here is short;you and people like you will have to carry on.Take care and God be with you!
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
Every life is valuable. Sadly this isn't what everyone thinks
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Can you find a way to learn to drive? At your age, you should be able to drive and not be dependent on your mom to get transportation.
Iamnotacat · 31-35, F
@greenmountaingal yeah probably. But I also have to wait for my mom to take me to get my license.

She loves to tell me that she needs to take me driving.

And then complain that my dad never taught me to drive.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@Iamnotacat Find a way to pay for driving lessons. Then borrow a friend's car,and go take the driving test. You'll learn better from a driving instructor than from your mom or dad.
Platoscave · F
I hope someone learns from this. People love animals and try to help when they can. It will be rescued if seen...
yep i usually help if animals are in the road. most people try to hit animals. its so sickening how cruel humans are.
Lilnonames · F
As this song says it all


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