I Believe In Love
Late last year, I've met a couple. The man is 80 yo, who has early Parkinson's and his wife who is 76 y/o who sufferred from stroke since 2011. I've met them when his wife was admitted in our institution due to pneumonia. She has been in and out from the hospital due to complications, and that was her last hospitalization since his husband decided to take care of her at home. The husband would message me from time to time to do some errands for her. It was just the two of them living at their house, and this man was the one who does all the work; household chores, feeding his wife through NGT (nasogastric tube), cleaning her, etc. I've seen him feeding his wife while his hands were shaking. All the time, even though he is tired, I always see him smile. The other day, he messaged me to visit since she was very sick. We talked for a while and I had to leave. Today, when I was about to leave from work, I received a call from him. She just passed away this early morning. I felt blank for minutes. I couldn't just imagine the pain that he is experiencing right now. I've seen how much he loves her.