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Love is not all you need

But it's still pretty damn important, what we need alongside love is

knowing thyself -- when you know who your are, or are well on that journey you will have a sense of direction, and scope, of handling things

we cannot be just loving everyone blindly, to do so makes a mockery of love, one of the most astoundingly noble and praiseworthy things there is

we must also know when it is right not to love, it can be hard being a grown up and withholding our predisposition to affection, but the real world is or can be ugly, nasty, cruel, unfair, and horrible.

In those instances of horridness, we must set aside time, however long it takes to learn how to love again, and it's in acceptance of ourself.

Isn't it easy to hate yourself, when life and circumstances seem to say that to you, you get all hypnotized by over exposure to that stupid point of view, and it looks all profound and selfless.

To moan and roll around the mud all one's life, nope, but taking time, precious time to learn the lessons we will be benefitting all our lives from.

Then we come back to the world, with wise love, a love that can truly liberate the suffering souls surrounding us.

There is a place deeper than our religious differences, our petty arguments over who's right and wrong, it is decency, and treating others with fairness for a change, showing the world that it's not weak or dumb to be touchy feely, we are to let our light shine not under a bushel so to speak, but let it effect others for the good.

Oh the miseries happening right now, to the people right next to us, and we are so busy whining and complaining about things that don't really matter??!!

BLIND and well meaning souls all around, only a precious few showing the true light, that guides our feet. I thank all here who are true lights, they come from all sides of the spectrum of belief and political persuasion.

It is my fervent wish you light bearers feel appreciated, and encouraged.
Beautywithin · 36-40, F
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