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Mildly AdultUpset
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I'd love for you to be gone now

Was working on it. Now I am. Hope you're happy about it. Do not seek me out. I'll just be totally gone. You won't ever have to hear from me again and I can make sure you can't contact me anymore either. This is a permanent adjustment. Ain't coming back just to hear how you hope I'm ok but I'm not allowed to talk to you anymore. Welp. There ya go. I'm giving you exactly what you want out of me. So be happy about it and forget about me. Shit will never be the same and I figured that out a long time ago. IDK why I held on to any type of hope after that. Probably cuz I'm nuts. Then I figured out we couldn't be friends. Cuz I'm weird and couldn't stop loving you like that so that's totally on me. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry I harassed you without actually realizing I was til you told me. Then I started shutting the fuck up cuz I didn't intend on doing that. I'm not all up to date about being human. Not on everyone's level cuz I'm on something totally different like ranks. Not normal and never experienced being normal. I have a hard time imagining there's truly normal people out there. I guess you'd be the closest I ever met. Even though you change yourself a lot. I never really did that and that's probably fucked up. I guess people are supposed to change.
496sbc · 36-40, M
Wow ur beyond mad

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