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How to love anything and be happy with everything.

Love cannot be forced, but contrary to popular belief, it’s not naturally occurring. Love is not conditional, but it’s not unconditional either. So what is it? Love is simply something you create. How?

Well we all start by learning which gives us an understanding we can apply to life. Then with enough effort we can analyze and compare which gives us accurate evaluations and judgments that will determine something’s worth helping us to prioritize the things we know. For most of us, it stops there. The final advanced step of thinking is one we often don’t reach and it’s creation.

Now true creation is not generating something with your current knowledge. Thats reiteration. It’s forming the answer to something when you don’t think the answer exists in your knowledge already. It’s seeing the gap and the potential to fill it based on what you understand.

So love is not immediate attraction, nor is it trying to convince yourself of why you should love when you honestly don’t. Every example of love I’ve given until now relies on what you know. We must take all our gathered wisdom to achieve something that is truly novel and original. We need to make value within circumstances that don’t have any.

How is this even possible? Short answer: Giving. That is love. The dedication and hard work you put into something is proof of the love you’ve made for it! It’s not something you can control, nor it is something you cannot control. Control has no part of it. It is simply a result. Love is the birth of something new once you’ve given enough to it.

However you can give all day and still have no love to show for your efforts because it’s all pointless… if you don’t believe in it. Yes, indeed, you get what you give, but only if you believe you do. So it’s not enough to simply do things for yourself. You have to believe in yourself. It’s not enough to simply commit to the happiness of giving. You must believe in the happiness of giving.

That may seem obvious, but there’s many people who go through all the steps everyday. They work themselves to the bone and still wonder why they feel miserable at the end of the day. Why they still have no love despite all they’ve done for something. It was their lack of believe in giving as our source of love and happiness. So when people ask what is worth loving in this world? The answer is everything and not because what it’s done for you, but because of what you’ve done for it in your belief.
Youre wonderful sterling <3
Reject · 26-30, M
@TryingtoLava Aww, thanks Miss Lava! It’s good to see you still even after all these years. We’ve been through a lot.
@Reject ikr from EP to vent to SW weve stayed together through thick and thin
Reject · 26-30, M
@TryingtoLava Yes! We’ve known each other through life stages! Lol. Many people came and went and I’m glad that you were the one to stay. You’re a very passionate soul. To feel so strongly for life is one of best things we can do.
NewBeginnings7790 · 41-45, F
I can not heart this post enough!!!! 🙌
Reject · 26-30, M
@NewBeginnings7790 Thank you! This is probably my favorite post I’ve made so far because it’s solved everything for me.

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