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I Know How to Love

Love that's in Control
by: Rob Paqiun

I think about you constantly
You're always in my heart
I want the world to bow to you
Because that would be a start

To all the many things I see
That I think that you deserve
You're the prettiest person I've ever known
You're always ahead of all the curves

I cannot wait to be with you
The way we were always meant to be
And I love the way you love me
And the way you set me free

I love you more today
Than I did just yesterday
It's a love that's always growing
Which I sometimes struggle to display

But make no mistake about it
You've always been my one
Which is why I've always struggled
To find and feel the sun

But now that you are with me
I see the light beyond the dark
And into my darkened soul
Your light provided sparks

I feel my heartbeat beating
I feel light within my soul
The darkness now retreating
As this love takes full control

~The Loving Snowdog

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