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Love Is Blind?

Is it really? Love is the best feeling one can have, and I wouldn't associate it with being blind. Love encapsulates all of our senses, including sight. It makes us open our eyes wide, as to not miss one second of its goodness. How could love be blind?
"It makes us open our eyes wide, as to not miss one second of its goodness."

They miss the other things in real world as they are so deeply involved & focused on the love only that they get blind to the other important aspects.
Dv8rs · 18-21, F
@ABCDEF7 Yes, you're right, now I see how love could be blind. Damn you. Thanks for opening my eyes to the blind side of love, you have a point.
It blinds us because we are so high.
Dv8rs · 18-21, F
High on love is beautiful, not blind, but I do agree with you to a certain extent. Some people confuse love, with lust. Lust is blind, it's taking care of ones own needs at that moment. It's more of a selfish thing, equip with blinders, like a racehorse.
Blind to the truth. It blinds us to who they really are, to a lot of things. @Dv8rs
Dv8rs · 18-21, F
@Spoiledbrat I was blind, but now I see. Thank you.
Axelerator · 31-35, M
The reason people say that, is because the overwhelming feelings of love tends to make people blind to most other things.

A person in love might be completely blind to things and signs that would normally be a problem, but now isn’t anymore.
Dv8rs · 18-21, F
You all are good, I think I like this site. No nonsense, thank you for your insight. I think I love you
ABCDEF7 ·, BetweenKittensandRiots, and Spoiledbrat.

I haven't added anyone, because I'm new here, how do I add you three?
Adstar · 56-60, M
Love is blind when the one in love cannot see that the one they are in love with is not in love with them..
Dv8rs · 18-21, F
@Adstar Very true, and sad. They believe in a lie, and the other doesn't care to open their eyes. In that case, love being blind... is love being kind. Blind the eyes, to protect the heart from breaking.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Dv8rs Love can also blind a person to a fault in the one whom they love..

But this can be a good thing.. Most people are a mix of good characteristics and faults.. It is good to be forgiving to minor faults when the positive attributes of the loved one are the more important traits..
It IS in the sense that it focusses on the noble, gentle, polite and Not towards the ignoble, cruel, impolite so much so that those negative traits in the beloved too are readily accepted.

It elevates self. So, just Rise!
JustNik · 51-55, F
I don’t find all love is blind, but as someone who likes to focus on the best in others, I have found that new romantic love tends to blind me for a bit to the things that might dull the sheen.
Both a feeling and a decision, and not it isn't blind.
Maybe infatuation but not love
like azagthoth, the ancient god of chaos.

so... maybe.
Dv8rs · 18-21, F
@stound I love the mind of a great writer, who can make mere words come to life. H. P. Lovecraft is one of those writers, who can set the readers mind on fire with imagination.
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@Dv8rs We look at things through a very different lens. Honestly must be nice but in our boat finding what you want is more difficult because even if you do, they might find something about you unacceptable.

I'm not saying women's life not difficult or that most men don't have a lot of bad qualities that would make them not attractive to women but like full stop t's -way- easier for women to find dudes who are interested than men have finding women who will take a chance on them.

I don't value monogamy either, I look at it like oh my culture hoist it up as some kind of ideal to strive towards but just because my culture rewards people who want to play along with mainstream society doesn't mean those of us on the outside of it are any less right than those people who live inside it.

To be frank , I define success on my own terms and not those, my society chooses for me. So it paints monogamy as the ideal relationship but to me, it is not.

Why the hell would I let the government or the culture I come out of make that choice for me? Sure, I'm going against the grain, but the mainstream kinda sucks.

like my culture thinks anything that falls short of monogamy is failure. I don't. I look at it as success. I'm mean, so my culture can bite my dick, I'm going to do me no matter what it thinks.



Dv8rs · 18-21, F
@BetweenKittensandRiots Monogamy, what a pie in the sky idea. I'm sure it happens, but let's be for real, there are more relationships that claim to be monogamous, but simply are not. One, or both will have affairs, while hiding the affair, (or so they think) from the other. I'm envious of your relationship, because at least you don't have to lie to each other. You know what's going on, and are ok with it.
That's unselfish, true love. One more thing, if you don't mind me asking, what is your culture?
@Dv8rs Born in the USA but fundamentally foreign to the United States despite it. The internet had more to do with my upbringing than my nation of birth. I have more Western European values despite having been born on the other side of the world.

I believe in egalitarian ideas and equality on many fronts including towards women. I believe for instance that women in the west are in a good position, but the work of feminism is not over, particularly with Child brides still being a problem in the USA and Roe vs Wade having just been overturned.

My partner is from Romania, she immigrated to the United States.
And yes I do support a very unselfish kind of love.


Like it's horrible that's what young women were being taught romance ought to look like.
If I were to suffer an early death and get killed in some freak accident or because of some mass shooter and was gone too sooned I'd hope my partner would move on and find love again.

And as to the 'american child bride probem smh: [media=https://youtu.be/yqTZZC3bjB8]

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