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I Don't Say I Love You Unless I Mean It

I don't get why people always say love u when leaving somebody, it's like it takes the value of it away when it's said so often, just like saying good bye really
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CathyUK · 56-60, F Best Comment
I find this cloying when I watch US shows. It sounds so false and devalued.

Peaches · F
When you've lost as many people as I have you'll learn to say it more often...because you may not get that chance again.😔💕💙
Star1 · F
@Peaches aww sorry I just think say it when you mean it you know
Peaches · F
@Star1 Oh, I DO. ♥️😌
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
Kind of agree with this. I guess it’s that theory that you never know when might be the last time you see someone.
Star1 · F
@Ambroseguy80 I'm really talking about when people sign off on the fone or leave to pick up the kids or whatever, love you as a passing remark, devaluing it as somebody said
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
@Star1 that’s why I partially agreed with you. Often it does feel like that. My wife does it to excess.
I only used this phrase two times, in 36 years of my life. Its not just a phrase to spill around when every hormone kicks in.
Exactly. I only used it once in 37 years of my life, when I really meant it. Never again
I know from experience when it’s said and not meant it really does hurt 😔
Star1 · F
Yeah me too 😢

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