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Grell Sutcliff, Dios de la Muerte y excéntrica diva del rojo~
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The Whiteboard is a place where people can send Gestures, Attributes, Images, Comments, and much more...
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SW-User thinks you are Shy.
SW-User thinks you are Cute.
SW-User thinks you are Adventurous.
SW-User thinks you are Charming.
SW-User thinks you are Adventurous.
SW-User thinks you are Trustworthy.
ZessNightrage thinks you are Crazy.
━ [b]Ya estuvo bueno [/b]━
━ [b]Soy yo [/b]━ [i]Lo dice con poco entusiasmo como si la vida se le escapara[/i] (?)
[i]No se sabe la letra por lo que solo se le queda mirando indignado (?)[/i]