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Need help🫤....effing title too short 😡🤬😡

A few days ago I got given a whole bunch of fresh lemons off a friends tree.
I put them straight into my fruit bowl .

It's only been like 5...6 days - and they've gone mouldy !

The apples and the limes I have in there, (and were there first ), haven't .

So my questions are :
1. Do I have to wary be now of my other fruit doing the same ?
2. If so, how do I stop that ?
3. And why did the lemons get moldy in the first place ?

AdaXI · 41-45, T
The reason they went mouldy is because they weren't ornamental plastic fruit like the rest of them were, LOLZ!😅

Seriously though I think most fruit you buy from the shop will be treated in some way to make them last better than they normally would do.

A bit like buying milk from a shop it's been pasteurised so it will last for days, even weeks, but if you got some fresh milk from a cow that hadn't been treated it would only last 24 hours, maybe a couple of days top side.

I mean I'm only saying treated if they seemed to go mouldy unusually quick compared to what fruit normally would do in the bowl and all the other fruit (that didn't go mouldy) you'd bought from a shop so will of definitely been treated.

I mean everything fresh has to be treated in someway, otherwise it wouldn't even get to the shop before it had rotted.
@AdaXI that's a good point .
I never thought of that .
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Your lemons are too moist. lol. That is why they got moldy.

I would throw the lemons out, wash and dry off the other fruit and keep them in an area that is not so moist.

Yes I had to use the word moist. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@OogieBoogie yes moist. lol. I know i could have use moisture but not as fun. I bet they were old when you got them. Glad I could help. 😉
@Sojournersoul that might be true .
They werent technically from a friend , more an associate of a friend.
Prolly gave away their old ones 😅
@OogieBoogie I am sure they did. Oogie with take this shit, lets give it to her. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
I got a heap of lemons given to me as well. This time of year they tend to go off quicker. I skin them and blend the whole fruit into iceblock cubes and freeze. In winter they last weeks.
@KiwiBird that's a really good idea !
Dammit - wish I'd done that .

Gimme all your lemons !🍋😡🔪
I think you might have uncovered one of the big drivers behind the wax they put on most fruit.
@stound I do know that some fruits naturally have a type of waxy coating apples .

I've picked some that almost seemed sticky they had so much natural wax on them.

It's hard for me to relate as in aus I don't think food producers do that here .
@OogieBoogie oh. maybe not. per wikipedia it's almost all for visuals of the fruit anyway, so theory may be blown. I've never heard of using wax in place of a pesticide. I've seen places that use a thick, sticky soap, but ... I dunno, I think I might have started with a point, but here we are.
@stound hahahah 😂
ArtieKat · M
When I get lemons or limes - which I usually only use in my G & T - I slice them and freeze them immediately on a tray. After a day they can be stored in a resealable bag and added straight to the drink.
KeysToMyBeemer · 36-40, M
You failed the first rule of natural law which is when life gives you lemons make lemonade.

It's now time for you to make apple-ade
fun4us2b · M
Lemons belong in the fridge - I don't know technical reason, but they don't do well on the counter....
@fun4us2b I live in a temperate cool climate, and I've always kept lemons in my fruit bowl, and never had an issue till now .

But I might reconsider keeping them in the fridge from now on .
scooogy · 31-35, MVIP
Apples are the fruits' worst enemies.
bookerdana · M
Evidently the key is refrigerating the fruit
bookerdana · M
@OogieBoogie We mostly get two kinds of air: Hot and humid and cold and humid..what a noihtmare😱
@bookerdana ugh
I HATE humid ...yuck.

I suppose that's what makes the difference it's nearly always dry air, winter or summer.
bookerdana · M

What else can one say??😀
What's the temp like in Devil's land ?

The peel of a lemon, in particular, is susceptible to mold development when exposed to excessive humidity. This is why it’s essential to store lemons in a dry environment to prevent moisture from accumulating on the surface.
@C11111111111111 Gotta love our blue skies .. so beautiful 🤩
Went up to Westbury the other day, and although the day was hot, under the trees at salmond ponds it was really nice.

Ooh, and look what I bought ...
It's such a lovely taste. The chocolate kind of rounds out the sharpness and tang of the raspberries and makes it a really smooth flavour🤗
@OogieBoogie How would you like to live here, I see dolphins every day

@C11111111111111 That's real pretty man 🤗
If I was amongst the trees ..and near enough to walk my kyack down to the water ....for SURE, I'd love it .☺️

And as long as it doesn't get too hot ...I melt in the heat .😮‍💨

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