(I write)The absolute moral is beware of the hourglass figure.🕸️🕷️
On the backdrop of the windowsill
She hangs as darkness intertwines through
her cotton web. In the darkness of her world
As dark as the bottomless depths of the ocean
Where lives creatures and Crustaceans who exist
In both this world and the enchanted one
Not so far distant than a bed bug
she sits there in her still silence
waiting for her prey or mate a warning
A red mark on her belly symbolizing divine power
and black meaning divine darkness
The hourglass enticing her mate with hunger,
lust, and seduction. Dwarfing her mate in size like Venus cast alongside Mercury and the minute grains falling from her abdomen must feel to him as the final death knolls to his hanging. Enchanting time itself to slow until life ceased to be and all of this equaling to the same outcome that of the continuance of life and time.
How cold. yet
How Beautifully eloquent
time enchanting, stillness
And while sitting here watching the scene I can't help but think she must be feeding off of my fears, dreams, and desires as well.
Yet, what sad light and melancholy
Can be felt from the glow of the moon
upon her web as if she is holding on to
those sparkling orbs of light just to drink
in the pallidness of it all.
On the backdrop of the windowsill
She hangs as darkness intertwines through
her cotton web. In the darkness of her world
As dark as the bottomless depths of the ocean
Where lives creatures and Crustaceans who exist
In both this world and the enchanted one
Not so far distant than a bed bug
she sits there in her still silence
waiting for her prey or mate a warning
A red mark on her belly symbolizing divine power
and black meaning divine darkness
The hourglass enticing her mate with hunger,
lust, and seduction. Dwarfing her mate in size like Venus cast alongside Mercury and the minute grains falling from her abdomen must feel to him as the final death knolls to his hanging. Enchanting time itself to slow until life ceased to be and all of this equaling to the same outcome that of the continuance of life and time.
How cold. yet
How Beautifully eloquent
time enchanting, stillness
And while sitting here watching the scene I can't help but think she must be feeding off of my fears, dreams, and desires as well.
Yet, what sad light and melancholy
Can be felt from the glow of the moon
upon her web as if she is holding on to
those sparkling orbs of light just to drink
in the pallidness of it all.