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It takes imagination and a lot of time behind the words!


This 1570 map sparked my imagination! (It doesn't take much to do that)

As I looked over the map I noticed something, there it was! The Duhare, an Indian tribe I had read about and heard about as I grew up in South Carolina. Many scholars thought the tribe to be a myth but as more and more people research them, more and more facts are surfacing that they were real!

I for one believe they were real, and after seeing this map, my mind went to work on my next story. I began digging into the research and have spent many hours on it. It seems the vikings gave some Irish people a ride to what is now South Carolina to establish a new land, a new Ireland. At this moment, none of this is in my new story yet, but who knows, maybe it will find its way in. I'm not finished writing it you know.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
I love old maps.
Coletracer · M

I do as well, and as I write my fictional historical adventure stories, I need to be as historically correct as I can. So, as I build my worlds for my characters, and in my descriptions, I use old maps a lot to get it right.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M

I still have my childhood globe. It is so old it has the Soviet Union.
Coletracer · M
@JoyfulSilence neat hang on to it!
Except that no Viking records exist where they sailed further south than Newfoundland, hence the name of the Canadian Province. That map could just be another historical hoax, have it date tested at a lab.
@Coletracer Because the Vikings recorded their travels on stones, not paper. The Kessington stone was authenticated as real, despite by many trying to convince everyone else it's a hoax.
Coletracer · M
@NativePortlander1970 That statement still doesn't disprove a group of Vikings didn't travel along the eastern coast as far as South Carolina or even Florida. It only proves (if true) a group of Vikings abandoned their sea fearing ways to travel inland. The stone says a crew was left behind to guard the boats. It had to be a different group of ten from the ten killed at the camp as I read it. Did they explore further south?
Coletracer · M
The stone claims 30 members sailed westward. 10 were killed, 10 left at the ships, so that leaves 10 at the stone site.

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