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🙏📿( Just be there... ) 🧭

I come to you with these words in humble prayer
(Please God just be there)
Be there when Ma ain't well
Be there when I'm dope sick and fearing hell

Be there when I'm left alone
far from family and home
Be there when my father won't answer my calls
Be there when I have nothing left at all

Just be there because I don't believe you are
Be there because father said you were
Be there when I witness a friends early death
Be there while I'm running and can't catch my breath

Be there as I'm trying to find my right
Be there as I try to make it through the night
Be there when I finally find what's right
Be there when I finally step into the light

Be here now that I'm going straight
Just be here because I'm turning at the gate
I'm walking across the street
walking past the people you forgot to meet
going towards my endless retreat
Noticing no footsteps next to me

Oh God, can you hear the sound
of the bottle smashing the ground
I am on my kneese, God Please....
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
He will always be with you
bookerdana · M

Sun comes up and we start again 🙏🌞

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